At Polyamory U, you'll find an array of courses, led by Jim Fleckenstein. Some cover basic skills and techniques useful in any relationship. Others target the specific challenges of successfully living nonmonogamously. Jim's expertise is drawn from both extensive study and more than two decades of experience living nonmonogamously. Few coaches can offer this powerful blend of both research-based and real-world understanding.
These courses will empower you with the mindsets and practical skills to handle the joys and challenges of polyamory and open relationships.

The path to relationship freedom begins here.

“I really enjoyed the workshop. It was very informative, and one of the nice things is that there were a lot of little takeaways from it as well, that, in addition to being a good introduction, you could take away and use and play with in your relationships.”

- Joe L.
(Previous workshop attendee)

A Nonmonogamy Leader Wants to Empower Your Life Today

Like many others, Jim Fleckenstein became a relationship coach and educator because of his own life experiences. After the end of his 25-year marriage in 2000, he put the skills he'd gained from his successful non-profit career and his insatiable curiosity to work on relationships. He created an educational non-profit to foster new research into relationships. He also began a rigorous self-education process that included reaching out personally to leading researchers. 

His organization ultimately conducted five national conferences on relationships. He merged this organization into a larger group in 2006 to continue his focus on self-education, scientific research, and helping people have successful relationships.

Along the way, Jim developed a unique approach to relationships based on proven methods he encountered over his years of study. Ultimately, he formalized this approach as his Affirmative Intimacy® method. He created The Earth Moved, LLC as a professional home for his coaching and educational efforts. His first book, Love That Works: 38 Awesome Hacks for Amazing Relationships, came out in December 2019.

Jim was invited to co-present to a professional audience for the first time in 2002 at the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT). He has since been invited to present at seven more AASECT conferences, to the Eastern Region Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, to the Society for Sex Therapy and Research, and to the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. He has published two research papers in peer-reviewed journals and a chapter in the 2015 book, Sexuality and Aging. Since 2016, he has been a member of the Editorial Board and Production Editor of The Journal of Positive Sexuality. In addition to his many professional presentations, Jim is a regular volunteer presenter at lay conferences, with nearly 20 appearances, reaching hundreds.

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